Value Quest Bourse—The Value is HereInstallation, Print, Internet platform at
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Art and Economy
An art-allegory
of socioeconomic cycle -
Keywords / Tags
- Art,
- Economic crisis,
- Bankruptcy,
- Greed Economy,
- Labour,
- Morals,
- Profit,
- Quest,
- Responsibility,
- The Indices of Fortune,
- The Wheel of Fortune,
- Value
- 2011
- “Value Quest Bourse—The Value is Here,” 52nd October Salon, Belgrade. Curators: Galit Eilat and Alenka Gregorič
Festivals and Group Exhibitions
- 2012
- Canarias (Canary Islands), Spain, ESPACIO ENTER - International Festival of Creativity, Innovation & Digital Culture
- Montreal, Canada, “Affaires à Risques // Risky Business,” Festival The HTMlles 10
- New York City, USA, dystoRpia Project, Place: Queens Museum of Art, Outpost Artists Resource and Local Projects, Curators: Arlan Londoño and Gabriel Roldos
- (Brisbane), “Debt,” Festival of Socially responsive communication and art
Indices of Fortune poem on Plexiglas tables (photo: Vladimir Mirković, transart design)
setup oktobarac 01
Is a value of a thing just as much as it can bring, or is value something intrinsic and purely relative.
Urtica’s statement:
The Value Quest Bourse is an art-allegory of socioeconomic cycle created as an amalgam of hazard game, enterprise strategies and stock market. Its leitmotif is a poem The Indices of Fortune inspired by a popular medieval concept the Wheel of Fortune showing four human figures labelled as I shall reign, I reign, I have reigned and I have no kingdom. In our interpretation the wheel of fortune reflects stages of contemporary socioeconomic cycle: Expectation, Success, Bankruptcy, Reform. On a personal level, those are equivalent to the stages of life: Yearning, Satisfaction, Detachment, Recovery. The poem is displayed as verse-objects on the wall: “The wheel of Fortune spins around, winners go up while losers go down…”
Please visit: Indices of Fortune
A spatial installation is invitation to public to question what is value? To facilitate this search we created the Value Quest Perpetual Bond, issued by allegorical entity the Value Quest Bourse. The perpetual bond serve as a security of values distinguished by public, i.e., a bond-holders. The bond is based on agreement or promise made by the bond-holder that he/she takes responsibility for the survival of identified value. In this process a value of one sort (subjective value) is exchanged for one of another sort (an art object - the bond). This play becomes actuality in consumption, people are ask to look inside and search for answers/values in themselves. The Value is Here.
Please visit: VQ Perpetual Bond
A site specific intervention The Art in Liquidation is made in a form of a resolution which is passed by an Artist within 52th October Salon in Belgrade, 2011. It marks an anniversary of UNESCO’s Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist proceed in Belgrade on October, 1980. On the basis of the importance that art has in a society, the UNESCO recommendation shows the regard accorded to artists and gives recognition of the “artist’s liberties and rights, including moral, economic and social rights, with particular reference to income and social security, which artists should enjoy.” Current position of artist considers high level of uncertainty, as a result of economic crisis, artists’ precarious working conditions, instability and hostility of an environment. This results in high mortality rate of small art initiatives that fail to adapt to the institutional structure of super-ordinate cultural system. Due to that fact an Artist made a resolution to undergo a process of liquidation upon the ART. The ARTIST invited debtors of the ART to settle their obligations, and creditors of the ART to file their requests. The resolution is displayed in a form of public announcement juxtaposed with Thomas theorem “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.”
Please visit: VQ Glossary
Credits: Ivan Blagojević, Programming