Urtica, art and media research group (c) 1999 and Beyond
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That Which Changes

Site-specific painting on the gallery wall

  • Photo doc
  • + more
  • Excerpt from
    the book
  • Art and Society

    A sign as an embodiment of social relations

  • Keywords / Tags

    • Transformation,
    • Change,
    • Butterfly effect,
    • Site-specific,
    • Meaning,
    • Identity,
    • Sign,
  • Art-Bio:

    “Moirés”, International group exhibition at Kunstraum Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany. Curator: Astrid Wege in cooperation with Kunstraum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

That which changes, process of painting on the gallery wall

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That which changes 1

That which changes, process of painting on the gallery wall

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painting on the gallery wall

Screenshot of Social Engine web environment

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SE screenshot

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg campus

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Leuphana Universität

Butterfly Theorem & Butterfly Knot scheme

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Butterfly Knot

An unit of information that triggers change as metaphor of conversion process

Urtica’s statement:

Environment: The University—a vivid intellectual activity is taking place hidden behind the monotony of (former military) red—brick barracks. There is no differentiation in architecture, no overt representation of cultural identity… but in the future an incubator should be built, a high—tech building as a real—space embodiment of cultural information.

Site of intervention: A wall of Kunstraum, as a unit of the university. The wall, used as a sediment of meaning, refers to the photograph which document the process of removing the traces of the former military barracks (1995), i.e., covering a military sign with paint (see book “Branding the Campus” page 11). Urtica’s intervention implies superseding the traces of the former military barracks (2008) by creating a new sign on the wall. The method (painting on the wall) and the symbolic representation of the massage “that which changes”, are used as a metaphors for a new creation related to the institution building process, identity transformation, and a Butterfly effect*1 that it might cause. “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Kunstraum set off a tornado at University?”

*1 The Butterfly Effect, a concept introduced by Edward Norton Lorenz (meteorologist, mathematician, founder of chaos theory) by question “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” refers to the phenomenon that even a small changes in the initial state can cause huge effect in the final state of a dynamical system.